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Weathering the Covid crisis together
Getting through the second wave
of Covid-19 was no mean task.
As the nation was hurtling
towards the second wave,
team Support Elders was busy
planning and devising how to get
our members vaccinated at the
earliest. So, the moment vaccines
were made available for senior
citizens, the team went all out to
get our members vaccinated. New
members were also vaccinated at
the earliest possible opportunity
in spite of the shortage of
vaccines. The team ensured
that our members were least
inconvenienced by minimising the
waiting period, being with them
for the half-hour period
post-vaccination, arranging
transport, and so on. Along with
the entire nation, we too battled
the crisis—the Support Elders
team bent backwards arranging
for hospital beds, ICUs, oxygen
cylinders and concentrators
and so on.
Despite the grim scenario, we
expanded in different locations and
are serving elders across different
regions/cities.This stands in good stead,
especially for those members who
request for or need inter-region
medical care. We also expanded
our virtual footprint, with four clubs;
music, recitation and yoga classes
and two cultural platforms, Choir
and Recital, to bring a smiles to our
members’ faces as they continue
to deal with with lockdown and
social isolation.